Thursday 2 August 2007


The Economist had a good story on Flavor Pill and Le Cool this week. Both are good examples of developing media trends, acting as a cultural filter and growing via word of mouth. Both are also very profitable.


Books won't go out of fashion, the type of paper will change. I don't know what to, but i do know that backlit screens hurt my eyes.

The World in 2040

Goldman Sachs forecast that the top five economies in 2040, will be China, India, U.S, Russia, Brazil.
Further details here.

Tuesday 31 July 2007


Good Guardian artical on technology from nature here

Monday 30 July 2007

Amercian TV

From the look of Hero's ,the network agreement over adult themes, violence, sex and language is breaking up. This is largely thanks to HBO. Its a good step, TV in America is finally growing up.
More and more product placement as the effectiveness of traditional adverts falls off.

There is huge scope for new business models in content delivery, as the advert supported model falls apart.
Digitalization allows delivery of more relevant commercials, but its a doubled edged sword as it gives media consumers so much choice that they don't have the time to be interrupted, even if its relevant.